‘I feel warm surrounded by floating darkness, I dream of a gorgeous man who’s about to make love to me. It brings tingles to my skin the touch of his hands caressing my body, I move to the teasing as he ventures towards a more sensitive place. His fingers drag on my inner thighs, his thumb circles on my clit, draw a begging sight out of me. “Take me, Bayek.” The pleasing hand stops, pauses for a moment. “With pleasure,” I hear the low voice. My eyes open as I flush with a soft surprise – oh gash, it is not a dream, this is real. Bayek gazes at me. “Let me finish your dream.” His wonderful smiling lips kissing me as he sinks his cock in me and starts to fuck me like he is in a desperate need to. He makes me a writhing mess; I reach my peak so fast all I register is his honey coated moans as we both fluster in our bliss.’