
September 1, 2017

It is time.

While normally we would be asking for someone to fill a moderator’s spot, in this special case we are asking for anyone who can help us edit your confessions. Not a full moderator status, but someone who is willing to help out and lessen the load on Paola’s back.

We decided to make it as such because we understand that there are some of you who are quite willing to help, but intimidated with becoming a moderator and having all the responsibilities it entails. Call it “Paola’s Helpers” or even “The Sexy Courtesans of La Rosa in Fiore.” 😉

We hope that with this, Paola will be able to focus more on bordello maintenance and finally announcing those new community activities that she has been wanting to do for so long.

There are only two requirements: You need to have adequate knowledge on graphics manipulation, and a reasonable pace finishing the confessions that will be assigned to you. If the second one is a little intimidating, fear not: We will ask you how many you can do and we will never force you into doing more than you can handle.

Once chosen, you will be credited in the About Us section (with a new page to boot). Confessions shall be assigned to you via e-mail or via Tumblr’s messenger (whichever you prefer). Once you’re finished, you may e-mail them back to us or use an shared online storage like Dropbox (again, it’ll be up to you!).

So, are you interested in helping us? 😘 Send us a message in our ask box (please don’t go anonymous!) The spot is open to 3 people.

Molte grazie and we hope to hear from you soon!