
November 24, 2017

I really apologise for the tardiness of my response. Admittedly, when we receive messages like this sometimes I am at a loss for words. What you said is all true; as fans, we should support the people we fanboy/fangirl on. The problem with Tumblr is simply “liking” a post stops there. Yes, you added notes to that post, but without reblogging and sharing that post you never give that post a chance to grow and flourish.

This is certainly a problem that any blogger here who strives to create original content has, and it is a problem for artists that want to use social media for exposure. As fans, our support shouldn’t be conditional i.e., “I will only support you if you post the content that I want.” We don’t have to force ourselves to love every single thing that the people we admire do, but showing support – in this case, sharing Mr. Watts’ posts – is enough to inspire them to continue doing what they love.

I truly hope your message would be acknowledged by the fandom. Again, I’m sorry for the delay. I didn’t want to write a reply that was half-assed and written in a hurry. ;^^

~ Signora Paola