
August 27, 2023

Hello ladies, I would like to apologize in advance for the sin I’m about to confess but this might be the thirstiest one I’ve yet come to confess 👉👈👉👈👉👈

Playing AC 2 made me realize a couple of few things: as a teenager, I somehow had this thing for Ezio that I thought to be a crush but turns out I was just really attracted to him in a sexual way and that it wasn’t just a crush (funny bc I realized I’m ace sometime after that lmfao) but now that I’m 24, I just have this strong need to just wring his neck in my hands and choke him (consensually ofc) while I dominate him and he’s just smirking up at me, almost tauntingly while we passionately fuck, muttering Italian profanities under his breath, calling me pet names while praising me or challenging me to go harder and faster with his bruising grip on my hips but also something about watching him riding a horse in game (special mention to upcoming bday boy, Arno Dorian as well bc my mind immediately went over to him as well like yes sir 😍😍😍) is just insanely attractive to me like I wouldn’t mind being a power bottom for him even if I’m a switch leaning towards being a top and despite all of the very passionate night, aftercare with him is just of the highest quality and checking up on each other *chef’s kiss* 

Confession [@x-infernhoes-x]