
June 24, 2021

‘For Signore Ezio Auditore‘s birthday, he may need a great deal of comfort and succor. I will give him anything he wishes in the bedroom, and if he needs more comfort, may Signora Paola and Suora Teodora feel welcome to enjoy us as well. Tanti auguri, Mentore!’

Benissimo, dearest confessor! I am very much intrigued, though as the Madame of this bordello I am more inclined to very closely observe this festa selvaggia ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

~ Signora Paola

Grazie for the offer dear confessor, but as a woman of God I believe it may be best for just you and Signore Auditore to take part in this worship session.

~Sister Teodora