Dear brothers and sisters of the Brotherhood,
It has been over 1 week since I’ve sent my appeal to Tumblergo about being able to have Rosa in Fiore appear in the Tumblr search engine again. I have not received anything back, and I doubt I will anytime soon if others who’ve had their blogs censored are also experiencing the same thing. I am reading from others that they haven’t heard anything back in months. So I doubt that I will get anything back for my appeal anytime soon. It is a shame, since we believe that we are following the new Tumblr guidelines. We haven’t had any NSFW images in our bordello for the a while now since Tumblr announced their new porn policies back in late 2018.
So, it is with a heavy heart that Paola and I must move @dirtyasscreedsecrets to our DreamWidth page. We are trying to figure out the best way to do this. We will have all confessions, before and after the Great (Porn) Purge, available at our DreamWidth page. We will have things like the ‘Ask the Admins’ questions and Dirty Polls available at the Secluded Haystack. And of course, all dirty reader-insert fics will be available at the Secluded Haystack.
We will fix our site navigation to have it link to our DreamWidth page instead. We also encourage everyone from now on to send any questions, comments, and confessions to our DreamWidth page. That will be our permanent base of operations from now on, and the Tumblr page simply as a mirror. So all confessions from now on will be posted there, and all messages we receive will be answered there. We will continue posting whatever is left in our Tumblr queue until our move is complete. However, we will still be present on Tumblr to answer any messages we receive should you have any trouble with our DreamWidth page.
I am sorry for any convenience you may have encountered while visiting our bordello. We are doing our best to stay here for you and support all of you who have supported us these past 7.5 years.
Brotherhoods may come and pass, but the Creed will never pass away.
We work in the Dark to serve the Light.
— Ezio
To add, I am (still) currently archiving all of the confessions submitted to us from 2013-2018 in a separate account. It’s a very long process; I’m doing this manually. There’s no viable Tumblr to Dreamwidth automated import solution, so the best way to go about it is to painstakingly re-post each entry with the correct dates. The reason why I’m not using our main DW community is simply because DW doesn’t have true backdating capabilities. I can specify the dates, but they will appear as recent in our main page. It’ll be very confusing to browse our community, so I decided to just use a separate account to house all of the confessions submitted to us prior to Tumblr’s Great Porn Purge.
As Ezio stated, we will be using our Secluded Haystack domain to archive our most popular posts, such us the dirty polls and our Ask the Admins posts. It’s to make you, our patrons, be able to easily browse them.
I shall let the queue finish up posting the confessions already lined up before I’ll have all the confessions mirrored here be completely text-only. To be clear: This Tumblr will still be active, but it’ll serve as a mirror site. You will still see confessions, but they will be text-only. Any messages sent to us here will be responded in full in our Dreamwidth Community, with only a simple link posted here to redirect you there. Activities such as new dirty polls and our responses to Ask the Admins prompts will be posted in full in our Dreamwidth Community, with a simple link (again) posted here to redirect you.
To be quite honest with you, I’d rather just leave all together. Not an actual deletion, just let this account be inactive with a simple post saying that we moved. However, we do realise that a lot of you are still using Tumblr and we can’t force you to move to Dreamwidth. So, for the time being, we will keep our presence here.
Molte grazie for your reading! This is not the end of La Rosa in Fiore. We are simply moving on and looking for a better – and friendlier – place to be.
With all my love,
~ Signora Paola