Confessions, Not-So-Dirty Confessions January 25, 2016 “Connor’s hair in that little ponytail is so sexy”. [X] Assassin's Creed IIIRatonhnhaké:ton/Connor KenwaySenpai has noticed you Previous Post This blog is so awesome! You ladies are my idols :,D I really love this blog, especially all of Jacob’s confessions (who doesn’t?) And I would like to ask you something: which would yo prefer to spend a romantic evening? 20 or 40 years old Jacob? Next Post I think that night with both versions of Jacob ends the same way, hehe :D (I’m one year older than young Jacob but I’ve always had weakness for older man). Maybe you could just have them both? Rough and gentle at the same time. Quotting Roth: “Why not?” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)