Dirty Polls

So if you /are/ going to reset the most recent poll, then may I suggest just listing all the characters in one poll so people can only vote for their top choice once as opposed to the paired versus set up as it is setup now? Because: 1) resetting all the rounds again would take too long, we’re already on round 5/7 so repeating it all again would set us back at least a month; and 2) less potential for ties since versus setup lets you cast 4 votes in each round.

February 3, 2016

I was actually thinking of doing the rounds in a more frequent manner; instead of 4 days apart, we would have it every 2 days.

The idea of this whole “round robin” type of polls is really stemmed from the “tournament” format ie., we wanted each Assassin to have a chance to fight each other, Mortal Kombat style. And, well, we wanted to add a different spin on the polls we did before.

But hey, if most of you would prefer to keep it simple and throw out the whole tournament format that’s fine with me (although I’m going to be a little sad throwing out those graphics I made because I really liked them ;A;). I’m going to have another poll setup once it’s been voted by most to reset the polls. 🙂

~ Signora Paola