
Bless this day, for this is the day that every single cell in my being reaffirms the fact that I am 130% Shay Cormac trash because everyone posts Shay Cormac stuff, and my love for him never falters for each post I see. I am in deep, friends.

March 18, 2016

Oh, my~ Fiora, mia cara, it seems Shay has won another lover! You’re more than welcome to send your confessions involving our amato Irish Templar, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind at all…



Aye, so she is, mia più cara Claudia~! Maireann lá go ruaig ach maireann an grá go huaigh, mo leanbh~ So let’s fill all our days with the sweetest affections for
Ár daor Captaen


♡ Fiora