From the bottom of my heart, molte grazie @servalans-flowers! Truth be told, it’s become very challenging to maintain the bordello given the circumstances. I told Ezio that I’ve grown very weary and all my enthusiasm has been drained, thanks mainly to the obstacles that Tumblr keeps throwing at us (we actually have a lot of confessions that were hidden from view because Tumblr deemed them too explicit; I’ve no energy to send an appeal, to be quite honest). The only reason why I’m still here is I don’t want to let you, our patrons, down.
Right now, my mind is all over the place trying to think of solutions to our current predicament. I would really rather relocate elsewhere, but I know most of our patrons are still using Tumblr. We don’t want to force you to pack up your bags with us, so we’re really going to try our best to maintain our presence here. We’re still waiting for Tumblr’s response RE our appeal and our current NSFW status. Worse comes to worst, as Ezio said – we’ll be transferring our main operations to our Dreamwidth blog, with only a text copy of the confessions being posted here. If Tumblr decides in our favour, then we shall stay. For now. Frankly, I foresee that we will be moving entirely. Tumblr is still where fandoms are mostly congregated, but I think it’ll suffer the same fate LiveJournal did.
Ah, I didn’t mean my reply to be so long-winded. Mi dispiace! Again, thank you so much. Your support is what keeps this old lady going. 💖💖💖
~ Signora Paola