We very much welcome you, dearest! No fantasy is too dirty in these parts (as long as it abides by our rules of course). 😉

I believe that, at first, nearly all of us denied not only to other people but to ourselves about being attracted (especially sexually attracted) to video game characters. “Why do I want to have sex with someone who doesn’t exist? And that’s made up of a bunch of polygons? IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE!” That was honestly my first thought when I discovered that I was attracted to a video game character. I can just imagine how it would be an even weirder experience for someone to get attracted to a video game character that was designed during the 80′s, when game characters were literally made up of blocky pixels. We actually got lucky with the current generation of games, with characters being so life-like and being voiced by real people. Certainly not as weird compared to the early days. 🤣 But I digress.
Oh, and now I really want to ask our patrons: Who was the video game character that you were first sexually attracted to? Mine would be Dante from the first Devil May Cry. Sure, I was attracted to other characters before him, like Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII, but it was more of a “oh, he’s cute” type of attraction. Dante was legitimately the first game character that, shall we say, pulled my devil trigger 😏 Anyway, I’m very curious to know about our patrons’ replies!
~ Signora Paola