
I just wanted to say how happy I am to have found this blog again considering what’s been going on with tumblr. Fortunately I was lucky enough to remember the exact url and I just wanted to say thank you for all the effect you put into this blog.

January 24, 2019

Grazie for your kind words and support, dearest anon! Truth be told it is a struggle to continue especially when we have several confessions that were flagged. Now, we never posted any images that had full-frontal nudity, but apparently Tumblr is very selective on what they’d consider inappropriate adult content. We still have porn bots (that have actually multiplied since the NSFW ban) while blogs that are harmless are getting flagged. 😒

It’s really tempting to move all together, but there’s no real mass exodus. Not yet at least. We’re going to stay here until that day happens.

~ Signora Paola