
October 21, 2017

Jacob Frye and I have been business partners for a while now, and ever since the night we first met, the chemistry between us has been undeniably electrifying. Although neither of us have made the first move yet, it’s pretty obvious that we both thoroughly enjoy the shameless flirting and banter that ensues during every one of our meetings.

One particular afternoon, Mr Frye joins me in my carriage to discuss our next big venture over a glass of champagne (or two) and some pleasant conversation, and suddenly it comes to my attention that he has done a lot for me, so I would very much like to repay him in some way or another. 

But, I have no idea how to do so- how does one reward a man who has everything? 

So I pose the question to him.

Mr Frye grins at me as he sips from his champagne flute, mischief twinkling in his eyes. “Well,” he smirks suggestively, “there is something… one thing I really, really want more than anything else…”

“And what would that be, Mr Frye? Whatever it is, it’s yours.”

The next thing I know, his mouth is pressed firmly against mine, his arms wrapped around my waist as he kisses me intensely, prising my lips apart with his hot tongue. I sigh as his lips travel down my neck, slowly undoing the buttons on my dress and exposing my corseted cleavage, a soft growl escaping his lips as he loosens the strings, playfully running his tongue across the flesh of my now fully exposed, voluptuous breasts.

His lips get to work again, all up and down my neck and downwards onto my nipples, sucking and gently nibbling whilst those lustful hazel eyes burn with pure desire. The sound of that deep, sultry voice in my ear has me wet in minutes, and soon I am laying on my back on the floor of the carriage, skirts hitched up around my waist, my legs over Jacob’s shoulders as he fucks me so hard that I’m certain that my cries of ecstasy can be heard from outside.

As we both come down from our climax, Jacob pulls me into his arms and leans into my ear. “So,” he purrs gleefully, “does that answer your question?”

Confessed by @thank-god-its-fryeday