
Hello. Talking about sources, we were several readers to notice that a story published a couple of days ago (The Mentor’s appreciation) was highly similar to one called Daddy Dearest written by blindgeishateahouse. Not trying to start any drama here but I mention it because of your latest post about sources. It is valid for art pieces but also for texts. Seems it is important to remind people of it. Thank you for reading.

July 1, 2017

Okay, I have read the fanfic you are referring to (here is the fanfic submitted to us for our patrons who would like to read it). You are referring to the scene where the reader/narrator cuts herself while preparing food and Jacob comes by to lick the wound, right?

Let me tell you a little story: I work in the publishing industry. The company I work for has encountered many issues with authors.  I remember one reader calling us to complain that one book we published is similar to another book published by another company. We found out later on that the author who submitted her story to us was inspired by the same book the author from our competitor was also inspired by.

I mention this because while I see your point, I feel like one has to be careful with making assumptions. I find that this article is very informative on the matter.

~ Signora Paola