
Dear ladies. I have been wondering if you have seen the trailer for AC Origins? I’m pretty much hyped and I can say that Bayek looks quite hot with his muscles. I can’t wait for October to come! >_<

June 13, 2017

Our signora shared her thought about Bayek and Origins already!

I, for my part, am not excited yet. The trailer did not exactly convince me and I am a little bit shocked, that the map is going to be even BIGGER than Unity and Syndicate. I am a lazy person and big maps are just… tiring… 

Still its cool they’re trying to improve and honestly change the game setting and HUD! I like the skill tree for him and the eagle friend is amazing! 😀

Bayek looks quite nice to be honest, but I need to see what kind of assassin he is. Maybe this will change my mind 🙂

-Sister Teodora