
April 8, 2017





Crawford finds out that I have a thing for tea, so he gets a cup, and unbeknownst to me, it’s drugged. I drink it, then start to feel strange and horny. I then do a strip tease which arouses Crawford, then we end up having hot and heavy sex, lasting long into the night.

Confession by @estel619
Image credit

Not that I don’t love the confession, but isn’t there something in the rules against anything non-consensual? The phrase “unbeknownst to me” would imply that the drugging was non-consensual, and therefore the following sex is rape? Technically speaking anyway. @dirtyasscreedsecrets

There’s a difference between using a date rape drug that makes a person lose consciousness or lose the ability to clarify consent, and using an aphrodisiac that makes your partner hot and bothered; but obviously still conscious of choice and action – doing a strip tease to arouse the other partner, then having a night of sex described by the “Drugged” party as “Hot”. @disciple-of-the-assassins-creed @dirtyasscreedsecrets @estel619

Be that as it may, one could argue that the drugging was still non-consensual. While I do agree that there is a difference between aphrodisiacs and date rape drugs, the person is still, to some degree, intoxicated. I’m not saying you can’t consent while on aphrodisiacs, but what I am saying is that that is still a flimsy case if it were in a more serious scenario, such as a courtroom. But I do appreciate the response, considering I hadn’t even thought about aphrodisiacs.

@disciple-of-the-assassins-creed @intomniac Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Frankly, when I first read this I considered rejecting it. The only reason why I approved it was it felt to me that the drug was used to enhance someone’s libido (like an aphrodisiac as mentioned) and not to completely overwhelm someone’s ability to consent into doing a sexual act.

I have to admit, drug use in sexual acts is something that I’m not very informed on, so I appreciate someone else explaining to me what could be wrong in confessions involving it. If this sort of confession is an uncomfortable read for our patrons, then I would consider clarifying the rules even further.

~ Signora Paola