
Hello, ladies! I hope some of you still remember me. I was absent for a while depriving myself from the blog but what matters now that I’m here and I’m ready to sin again! :D And for those who knows my confessions you can imagine what’s coming XD The main difference is that my dirty mind is full of other characters from the game apart from Jacob and I’m gonna use it in order to create some naughty confessions for you :) What I’m trying to say that I’ve missed you and I’m back, my lovely sinners!

March 28, 2017

Ben tornata, my dear! It is good to have you back! While I completely understand our patrons moving on and leaving the bordello to pursue other fandoms/interests – even several of our mods have done so! – it always brings me happiness to see one of our loyal patrons coming back to the fold. I cannot wait to see what confessions you have in mind, especially since they are about other characters. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) I’m sure Jacob wouldn’t mind because he knows he’s the reason why you got all down and dirty for him in a confessions blog.

~ Signora Paola