
December 27, 2016

“I’ve been feeling a bit this whole week, always crying cause I feel lonely. I feel envious and sad because my friend is beginning to have no interest in me. Then love that crumbles me into pieces. And the aggravating bullying and disrespectful comments added onto me which makes me just cry. All I want is Jacob to just say I’ll be okay. That I’m beautiful, amazing, magnificent, and that I’ll never be lonely. Just sending kisses down my shoulders before progressively getting more steamy. As he just goes slow and peaceful while still whispering sweet nothings. But still pain remains, and I still feel lonely.”

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Sweetheart, remember that we’re always here to comfort you!
I hope you are fine and that you enjoyed your festivities from 24th to 26th December. <3


-The ladies of the La Rosa in Fiore