Secluded Haystack

I want to write a piece for the haystack with Maxwell Roth (with maybe Jacob mixed in) but would Roth be considered a Templar since he technically betrayed Starrick in the game? If not would it still count if I included Jacob and made it a threesome?

December 14, 2016

Hello my dear!

We are happy to see, that someone plans to write another Haystack story for our archive! 🙂

According to our information, Roth was not actually Templar himself, but an associate to the Templar order and therefore had some kind of affilliance with Starrick. His betrayal was an (in)official deletion of this cooperation they had. Thus you can’t call Roth a Templar.

(Correct me, if I am wrong.)

To your other question:

The most important rule for the haystack is the “reader-insert”. Which means you need to write for the reader as an author and let the whole story develop around the reader with these three characters.

We use a simple Java-code to insert name, looks and other details to the Haystack story, so those spots in your oneshot should be visibly marked for our editor!

Any other tips and information can be grabbed here: (X)

Best regards,

Sister Teodora.