‘The thing is: Connor is 6’3 and I’m 5’1 which means he could literally break me if he wanted to. But I love it, the idea of slow sex with him, me on top, him sitting up against the headboard as I ride him, my hands on his neck and shoulders as I pant into his neck. His hands guiding me via my butt as he tells me how good I am, how good I feel, how beautiful I sound. And then afterward we cuddle and I can lay on his chest without smushing him while he strokes my hair. Ugh, just yes. – L’
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I’m about your height, my friend, and just looking at this image of the height difference between 6′3″ and 5′1″…

…is enough to make me want to fetch the smelling salts. Oh, my. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
~ Signora Paola