Please hang in there! Truth be told, I’m in a rather dark place myself and I find that keeping myself busy with this blog and Tumblr helps during my downtime. People who aren’t in any fandom and/or haven’t met friends in a fandom are always quick to dismiss it as something that only “immature” people would be in. But I find that fandoms can be a safe place and they can be a respite from the harsh realities of life, whether it’s to make new friends, discover new passions that will keep you motivated, or even something silly such as sharing light character headcanons or even posting dirty secrets on a blog like this.
Molte grazie for your message and we hope you are feeling better, my friend! Please remember that we are always here to hear you out! I really do wish that Tumblr has a better discussion system (similar to LiveJournal’s commenting system or even Reddit’s), but ah, we’ll make do with what we have.
~ Signora Paola