
October 27, 2016

‘I just started laughing over this one thought. I could imagine doing pranks on Jacob and watching him get really annoyed by it. Like getting a blow horn and yelling, “YIIIIIIAAAAKKK!” when it’s really silent and scaring the shit out of him. And at times when he does it, I slap his dick and he’s like. “Ow! Bloody hell! My dick!” And we both just laugh like damn anime girls. It will get so far that we actually do it while having sex. Like Jacob is just thrusting inside me, and we’re just really silent except for the quiet moans Jacob’s making. And since it is our second time, he doesn’t know why I’m staying silent. And I’m secretly planning to scream out. I then scream out, and he just flinches and pulls back. Not even cumming and just falling on the bed, making a small pretend cries that makes me laugh my arse off. And then we just stare at each other, Jacob muttering cuss words under his breath.’