Oh thank you so much! ;w;
Honestly, it all started with just dirty polls back in 2013 when it was just me, because I was curious back then to see what people think…it was all just for kicks and giggles. And now it’s grown into this huge thing!
I never thought that we’d even have a thing like the Secluded Haystack (courtesy of Paola and her shenanigans lol) when I came back from ‘retirement’ aha!
Gosh thank you so much; you don’t know how much this means to me…These are *indeed* a ton of work and very much inquires a big time investment! I’ll admit, sometimes I get burned out from doing the polls (I’ve yet to dish out the General DACS Poll results and the graphic that I promised a while back *orz*). some days it feels more like homework than something I enjoy, but then I have to remember that our patrons are understanding; this blog is for fun, don’t stress yourself out; real life always comes first lol~
I know 50 Shades looks like bare ones right now, and I’m doing a major rehaul, but it still means a lot that you appreciate what I came up with, even though there’s not much on there right now aha. But I will make a special layout, comprehensive guidelines and everything! Just stay tuned, and once again, thank you for your patience and patronage! ♥
– Ezio Auditore

Thank you so much, my dear anon! It’s really nice to see our efforts appreciated. ♥ Making graphics is second nature to me (considering what I do in real life), so I’ve grown very efficient making and editing your confessions. It’s writing those headcanons and even responding to your messages that frankly take me a while to do. ._.
There are those days when I kind of wish that we go back to being a strictly confessions page lol, but I do understand that the bordello has become far more than that. It’s a real, honest-to-goodness community now! It honestly makes me wish that Tumblr has better features for online community management (something at par with LiveJournal’s), so we can interact even better! Imagine having threaded discussions and the shenanigans that will ensue… ಥ ͜ʖ ಥ
Ah, but I’ve rambled too much. As Signore Ezio mentioned, we really appreciate your continued patronage and your patience! We wouldn’t have gotten this far without your support. ♥
~ Signora Paola