Hiya, devoted fans, Rosa and Claudia apologize for the delay for the final installment of census results. Between graduation ceremonies for Claudia (congrats to her) and the glorious Steel Wheel Stampede (this latter part is said with DRIPPING SARCASM), neither Claudia or Rosa have had the time to finish up the results.
But, we sat down and hammered out the rest. Below the break, you’ll be able to find out about our readers’ DACS and Haystack habits. Read on and sin on, friends!

On average, how often do you visit DACS?
Several times a day – 36%
Once a day – 21%
A few times a week – 17%
Several times a week – 15%
A few times a month – 5%
Several times a month – 5%
Almost never – 1%
A few times a yer – 1%
Several times a year – 0%
Once a month – 0%
On average, how long do you tend to stay lurking on DACS?
Less than 1 hour – 59%
1-3 hours – 35%
4-6 hours – 4%
7-9 hours – 1%
10 hours or more – 1%

Have you submitted a confession off anon before?

Have you ever made your own confession edit before and submitted it to DACS?
No – 80%
No, but I will eventually – 16%
Yes – 5%
If ‘Yes’, what program did you use to make your edit?

Have you ever written erotica?
Yes – 62%
No – 23%
No, but I will eventually – 15%
Have you ever submitted a story to the Secluded Haystack?

Have you ever read any erotica?
Yes – 95%
No – 3%
No, but I will eventually – 1%
Have you read any stories on the Secluded Haystack or 50 Shades of Pene page?
Yes – 86%
No – 8%
No, but I will eventually – 6%
Have you ever had your erotica published, either through self-publishing, or a publishing company?

If ‘Yes’, which self-publishing platform or publishing company have you used?
This was a submission answer, so here are the most popular options:
- FanFiction.net/de
- WhoFic
- Archive of our Own
- Tumblr
- Wattpad
- Livejournal
- Lunaescence
- Master-Apprentice Archives
- Mailing lists
- DeviantArt
- Mibba
- Y-Gallery
- AdultFanFiction.net
- Quotev
- FinFanFun.fi
If you’ve read erotica before, what are you favourite genres to read?
Let’s be honest here: since this was a submission post, we have everything from vanilla, chocolate, bdsm, romantic, heavy petting, pegging, straight, crooked, you name it….too many entries to post! What DON’T DACS readers like?
Have you ever participated in any other polls created for the DACS in the past?
No – 67%
Yes – 33%
Have you ever submitted a general question/‘interview’ to any of the admins before?

Have you ever thought about becoming an administrator for DACS?
No – 71%
Yes, and I’d still like to become one should a position open – 23%
No, and I never will – 6%
Have you ever managed a side blog before?
No – 54%
Yes – 46%