Bienvenue, Sinners!
We are pleased to announce that we have gone through the results of our first major demographics poll of our DACS family. Due to the length of the census that gathered these facts, we have broken up the reveal of data into several bits, which we will post over the next few days.
Join us in saying merci beaucoup to the lovely Claudia, who assisted us by making graphics used to illustrate the results, and to Rosa, our newest moderator, who is administrating the data release.
And, of course, mille mercis to you, our DACS family. Two-hundred-eighty-four of you took the time to answer this beast.
Without further ado, and below the break, we present the first data release, which is our general statistics.
What is your age group?

What is your ethnicity?
The majority of our readers identified as “White” (White/Caucasian/European/White Hispanic [‘White Hispanic’ e.g.: a majority of your known ancestry comes from the Iberian Peninsula countries of Andorra, France, Portugal, Spain, or Gibraltar]) at 66 per cent.
Twelve per cent of our readers identified as “Mixed ancestry/multi-racial/two or more races.” This excludes Metis or Hispanic.Latino/Hispanic/Non-Hispanic White (partial or whole indigenous ancestry from the Caribbean, Middle, Central or South America e.g. Pueblos indígenas, mestizo) make up seven per cent of our survey respondents.
Our Assassini enjoy affections from five per cent of people indicating that they are of southeast Asian (Brunei, Cambodia, Christmas Island, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar/Burma, Laos, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) ethnicity.
Four per cent of our respondents identified as Black/Black British/Black Scottish/African/African-American/Afro-Caribbean, while two per cent identified as east Asian (China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Taiwan).
Connor isn’t our only Native American Assassin! Two per cent of our respondents identified as American First Nations or Metis. One per cent of our viewers consider themselves of south Asian (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) ethnicity, while less than one per cent identify as northern Asian (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan).
Less than one per cent of our readers identified as being of Oceanian/Oceanican/Pacific Islander (aboriginal from Australia, New Zealand, or the island groups of Melanesia, Micronesia, or Polynesia) ethnicity.
What country do you currently live in?

Almost 80 per cent of our census takers live in the above countries. For a more specific breakdown, read on:
The vast majority of our census-takers, at 41 per cent, live in the United States, followed by the United Kingdom at 13 per cent. Germany follows closely at seven per cent, then Australia, Canada and France at four per cent. The Philippines, Spain and Brazil each have two per cent of the viewer share.
The following countries have a one per cent share of our viewers: Austria, Russia, Sweden, Italy, Romania, Mexico, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Finland, the Czech Republic, Agentina, and Denmark.
Each of these countries has less than one per cent of the share: Poland, Norway, Puerto Rico, Taiwan, Venezuela, Malaysia, Slovakia, Portugal, Hungary, Colombia, Switzerland, Cyprus, the Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Guatemala, and Lithuania.
Is English your native language?
Sixty per cent of our respondents speak English as a first language, leaving 40 per cent of people who picked it up as a second language (great job)!
If no, what is your native language?

What is your occupation?
Most of our respondents identified as students with 65 per cent. Employed DACS respondents followed with 19 per cent of the share, followed by nine per cent who indicate unemployed. Seven per cent chose to not answer.
If employed, what is your occupation?
Since this was a fill-in-the-blanks option we had a lot of answers. Here are some of the interesting ones:
- Teacher
- Psychologist (we must be fascinating)
- Work for a “Major East Coast wine importation company” (hint: Rosa loves white wine and her birthday is in January)
- Doctor
- Childcare
- Receptionist
- Researcher
What is the highest education level that you have finished?
Most of us went to post-secondary school though not many of us finished, representing 31 per cent of the respondents (some of whom may still be in school). Thirty per cent of us finished high school, while 17 per cent did not. Of those 20 per cent of respondents who finished post-secondary education, 29 earned a Bachelor’s degree (10 per cent of total respondents), 14 earned a Masters (five per cent), 11 earned an Associate’s degree (four per cent) and two earned a doctorate/professional degree (one per cent). Two per cent of respondents indicated they had received a post-secondary, non-degree award.
What is your civil/marital status?
- Single – 74%
- Have a significant other, but not in a domestic partnership – 16%
- Married/remarried – 6%
- In a domestic partnership – 3.30%
- Divorced – .35%
- Widowed – .35
- Separated – 0%