WELL I am very pleased to see more food porn asks. 8D I hope my answers don’t disappoint, my dear! (Since the yema can either be solid like a chewable candy or more of a filling – as is the case with yema-filled buns ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) – I’ll take these into consideration for each character)
Desmond: A candy in between his lips but he cannot eat it because you’d like to eat it yourself…. and then lick off any excess from his lips.
Altaïr: Pretend to feed him a candy, but once he tries to take a bite you withdraw and place it inside your mouth. You wouldn’t close your mouth though; you’d have your tongue out daring him to take it. When he tries to take it, you withdraw further back AND THEN you eat the damn thing. He’d be very frustrated with you mwahaha.
Ezio: Feed him a yema candy, but quickly kiss him to get a taste of it inside his mouth. 8D
Connor: Sticky filling all over his abs and maybe even his pecs. But never on the nipples, no. Who wouldn’t love to tease this wolf? I mean, imagine licking it off around it and driving him crazy. 8D
Aveline: Drip the filling on her legs and thighs then sloooooooowly lick your way upwards.
Edward: If you’d tease Connor by not licking his nipples, you’d drive Edward nuts by dripping that filling on his nipples and doing slow circular licks and occasionally using your teeth lightly. ;D
Adéwalé: Filling drizzled on his back, specifically, the indention of his spine. Slow and long lick that may extend up to the top of his ass. 8D
Shay: Lick a filling from his collarbone all the way to his neck and chin, then give him a taste by giving him a deep but brief kiss. Hurhur.
Haytham: Feign your most innocent and most puppy dog like expression and ask him to hand-feed you a candy… then nipping his finger in the process. ;D
Arno: Well you already mentioned licking it off his butt, soooo I’m gonna say I’d place several candies on top of his buns and picking each one off with your teeth and “accidentally” biting him in the process.
Shao Jun: A candy on her bellybutton (because I think she has a really cute one). You’d take a bite and nibble on the skin bellow her bellybutton, but you’d make her laugh by alternating it with blowing raspberries on it. ;D
Arbaaz: Drizzling the filling on his hipbones that would leave a sexy trail so close to his groin.
Evie: Several candies lined up on her cleavage. Because wouldn’t you want to bury your face on it and nom your way through that? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jacob: “Accidentally” dipping his fingers into the sticky filling and offering to clean them. We know he has long fingers, so you can practise your, ehem, skills and see just how far you can take his fingers. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
~ Signora Paola