I tried my best and replied to this (and this book got me interested O_ô)
Desmond: German shepherd – those dogs are so loyal, talented in training and very, very cuddly!
Altair: Arabian horse – very elegant, fast and fiery.
Ezio: European honey buzzard – a migrating bird which’s diet contains wasps.I chose it, because Ezio travels a LOT in his three games (first in Italy only, then Constantinople)
Connor: Grizzly bear – its self explaining. Really. It is.
Aveline: Hornet(-Queen) – She is a strong, independent and lethal woman and hornets are hella horrific. (Please do not click on the link above, if you’re afraid of insects!)
Edward: Capuchin monkey, they look cute and sometimes they eat ripe fruits and get drunk (?)
Adéwalé: Lion, self explaining, really.
Arno: I, somehow, see him as a wolf, because he is quite lonely at the end of AC:U.
Evie: The red fox! Or a stoat. A short-tailed weasel…
Shao Jun: I’d say common panda, but the red panda fits quite well!
Arbaaz: Definitely an Indian tiger.
-Sister Teodora.
I read this book, and the rest of the His Dark Materials series, a while back! So for male assassins, their daemons are female and viceversa! Let’s see:
Desmond: Maine Coon Cat ♀, very sociable, sweet, playful, active. They’re also described as loyal and loving.
Altair: Peregrine Falcon ♀, for it’s speed, quick attacks and the deadly air assassination (high speed dive).
Eurasian lynx ♀, loves to hunt and ambush it’s prey. Climbs to high places to verify the area.
Connor: Gray Wolf ♀, excellent hunter, quiet, stealthy and strong. Works well with others and always protects the pack, just like Connor.
Gray fox ♂, can climb trees, is quite the hunter and ,when it needs to, it can be stealthy. They can also be playful!
Sooty tern ♀, a sea bird that loves staying close to the sea, where it hunts for food and works with the colony to survive, like pirates.
Adéwalé: Jaguar ♀, stealthy, lethal and great at camouflage… Perfect companion to an assassin.
Chartreux cat ♀, playful, bonds with a special person, observant and quite intelligent too, like our dear Arno.
Shay: American Black Bear ♀, strong, independent. When confronted can become quite dangerous.
Haytham: Common European Viper ♀, usually hunts on the grounds, doesn’t climb trees, will not attack unless threatened. Prefers to work alone.
Shao Jun: Golden Pheasant ♂, not only its color echoes her assassin robes, but the golden pheasant is a symbol of beauty and refinement.
Arbaaz: King Cobra ♀, because, like an assassin, they usually avoid confrontation, but are deadly when engaged.
Evie: British Longhair Cat ♂, calm, and very observant. Cunning and quiet hunters. Prefers indoors.
Jacob: Labrador Retriever ♀, playful, intelligent, hard-working, but kinda silly at times. Does this sound familiar?