DACS Greatest Hits

Not a dirty confession, but I was wondering: One of my fav books is the Golden Compass, where the person’s soul walk beside the person as an animal, called Daemon. The Daemon shows to the other people what kind of human is the Daemon’s owner, so it is like a walking mirror about the people. What do you think, our fav assassins (including Haytham and Shay) what kind of animal they’d get? :D (Anything but eagle please, except for Altair. He can has the eagle xD)

March 17, 2016

I tried my best and replied to this (and this book got me interested O_ô)

Desmond: German shepherd – those dogs are so loyal, talented in training and very, very cuddly!

Altair: Arabian horse – very elegant, fast and fiery. 

Ezio: European honey buzzard – a migrating bird which’s diet contains wasps.I chose it, because Ezio travels a LOT in his three games (first in Italy only, then Constantinople)

Connor: Grizzly bear – its self explaining. Really. It is.

Aveline: Hornet(-Queen) – She is a strong, independent and lethal woman and hornets are hella horrific. (Please do not click on the link above, if you’re afraid of insects!)

Edward: Capuchin monkey, they look cute and sometimes they eat ripe fruits and get drunk (?) 

Adéwalé: Lion, self explaining, really.

Arno: I, somehow, see him as a wolf, because he is quite lonely at the end of AC:U.


Evie: The red fox! Or a stoat. A short-tailed weasel…

Shao Jun: I’d say common panda, but the red panda fits quite well! 

Arbaaz: Definitely an Indian tiger.

-Sister Teodora.

I read this book, and the rest of the His Dark Materials series, a while back! So for male assassins, their daemons are female and viceversa! Let’s see:

Desmond: Maine Coon Cat, very sociable, sweet, playful, active. They’re also described as loyal and loving.

Altair: Peregrine Falcon ♀, for it’s speed, quick attacks and the deadly air assassination (high speed dive).


Eurasian lynx ♀, loves to hunt and ambush it’s prey. Climbs to high places to verify the area.

Connor: Gray Wolf ♀, excellent hunter, quiet, stealthy and strong. Works well with others and always protects the pack, just like Connor.


Gray fox ♂, can climb trees, is quite the hunter and ,when it needs to, it can be stealthy. They can also be playful!


Sooty tern ♀, a sea bird that loves staying close to the sea, where it hunts for food and works with the colony to survive, like pirates.

Adéwalé: Jaguar ♀, stealthy, lethal and great at camouflage… Perfect companion to an assassin.


Chartreux cat ♀, playful, bonds with a special person, observant and quite intelligent too, like our dear Arno.

Shay: American Black Bear ♀, strong, independent. When confronted can become quite dangerous.

Haytham: Common European Viper ♀, usually hunts on the grounds, doesn’t climb trees, will not attack unless threatened. Prefers to work alone.

Shao Jun: Golden Pheasant ♂, not only its color echoes her assassin robes, but the golden pheasant is a symbol of beauty and refinement.

Arbaaz: King Cobra ♀, because, like an assassin, they usually avoid confrontation, but are deadly when engaged.

Evie: British Longhair Cat ♂, calm, and very observant. Cunning and quiet hunters. Prefers indoors.

Jacob: Labrador Retriever ♀, playful, intelligent, hard-working, but kinda silly at times. Does this sound familiar?
