Miscellaneous Forgive me, sister Teoroda for what I’m about to say, but since the post (and the bless gif) of Arno Dorian’s butt I can’t stop thinking about it. I want to spank those cheeks with a baguette :D March 14, 2016 I shall forgive and watch, while you do that, sweetness 😉 All hail the French butt! -Sister Teodora. AnonymousGIFreplies Previous Post Next Post This blog always makes me smile. From the confessions to the terrific mods ; thank you for this sanctuary of sinning <3 Also a shoutout happy birthday to one of my fave assassins Desmond! Would anyone be interested in a Desmond haystacks fic? I feel like he needs some lovin as well. And the lovely signoras wrote some steamy headcanons already~ Sincerely yours, the writer of the Edward secluded haystack story.