Aww, thank you! That was my vision for this blog: to make it a safe haven for those that just need someone to be like, “Hey, I feel that way, too!” and hopefully something good or at least fun would come out of confessing something potentially embarrassing… like all the good sexy fics out there, or all the good LOLs that were had. 😛 Or the craziness that happened with the AC crew actually finding out this blog *chokes* (still don’t know how to feel about that TBH bwahahaha forever caught between embarrassment and flattery~)
I have to admit, this was my one refuge to go whenever the AC fandom would get really dumb at times, or full of too much drama. There’s something about sexy thoughts brings everyone together. 😛
And that’s what I miss about this blog and why I came back. Thank you for the kind welcome!
How did Jacob get his own bed sheet? Is it made out of silk? He may have some nice sheets, but he’ll never have a nice mask like mine.