Secluded Haystack We can always have a second part or a sequel, right? *puppy eyes* cofcofletmedreamcofcof February 22, 2016 With the right incentive I definitely will~ ~ Signora Paola AnonymousasksGIFi still need to work on these recent submissions for the haystack ;^_^just give me timewho am i kidding i'd write it regardless of the reward lol Previous Post I am so sorely tempted to write a haystack story for Edward… What in the world has become of me? Next Post okay i’m not even gonna bother going anonymously, i get the feeling people would know it was me anyway. you made a post a little while ago about the assassins’ oral skills, but i’d like to know your thoughts on the oral skills of the following: ed thatch, charles vane, and ben hornigold. please and thank you!