This message has been simmering for so long on our inbox primarily because my brain kept malfunctioning at the thought of each male Assassin masturbating.

This is probably the toughest ask we’ve received so far (even tougher than this) but I always do welcome the challenge.
With that said… *clears throat*
Desmond: With all the ancestral memories he’s seeing with the Animus (especially having to ‘experience’ Altair make love to Maria and Ezio’s steamy night with Cristina) I’d imagine he’s one very frustrated Assassin. He would be sleeping on that bedroll we see in Brotherhood and he’d lie face down while he’s working himself furiously. Wouldn’t take him long, too, and he’d bite his pillow to keep quiet.
Altair: I’d imagine he’s the type who would jack off in between missions. He’d be very quick and efficient about it, very rough, very quiet with a single grunt signalling that he’s done.
Ezio: For some reason I see him enjoying it the most when he’s overlooking a city. Like it’s some form of exhibitionism and the idea that someone could look up and see him jacking off turns him on so much. He’d be noisy, too, and he would be very messy.
Connor: He’s the type who would prolong it, pushing himself ever closer to the edge and stopping a second before climax. He would do this repeatedly in one night because he’s the type who loves to ‘challenge’ himself and see just how long he can last. Would alternate between his left and right hands if one is feeling tired (gotta love his ambidexterity 8D).
Edward: I can see him as uncut so he loves to pull that extra skin. Very straightforward except that he loves a bit of ass play and has the best orgasms when he has one finger inside himself.
Adéwalé: Would have a huge thing for temperature play and loves to pinch his nipples with his other hand. Would go a little too rough to the point that it’s almost painful (he’s the type who would love dry masturbation).
Shay: Is the type who would tease himself and would roam his hands all over his body, very slow and deliberate – it’s almost like he’s giving a show. I can see him touching himself everywhere except where he needs it the most because he loves to torture himself.
Arno: Loves to fondle with his frenulum a lot. Could actually come just from stimulating it. Like Connor he loves to prolong his pleasure. If he lived in the modern world I could see him owning a cock ring (or five).
Jacob: Would alternate between rough pulls and slow teasing. Is also an “edger” like Connor and Arno, but he’s less about wanting to know how long he can last and more of the fact that he is addicted to the feeling of being on edge. Is the type who would bite on his fist when he comes to keep quiet (not that it really helps). Would also be the one most likely to have tasted his own, uhm, essence.
…..God I have never blushed so hard my entire life.
~ Signora Paola (someone please fetch her smelling salts again)