‘Can I please have an orgy with the ladies of the DACS? There will be chocolate whipped cream and extremely hot and mindblowing sex happening.’
Paola render [x]
Fiora render [x]
I normally do not partake in any of the activities in this fine establishment, but I will make an exception to you, cucciola mia. <3
~ Sister Teodora
Anonimo, the cioccolato better be good~
– Signora Paola

Chocolate whipped cream, you say?

Count me in, anonimo.
– Fiora
Dear anonimo, it sounds like an interesting offer you are making. I cannot lose such a tempting opportunity, so I will have to say yes.
– Caterina
Whilst my brother is away, I’m more than happy to play and besides, its been quite some time since I’ve had a girls night in 😉 a yes on my part mio cara!
– Claudia