Sorry for the delay on getting the results in for Altair’s dirty poll; I have been very busy lately with real life issues.
Anyway, just to remind all of you what we are getting into:

Now that Altaïr’s crotch is now forever imprinted into your memory, let’s get down to business, shall we? The results can be read below this cut:

We had less people from Europe vote this time for Altaïr’s penis length. However, he was still able to get more votes than Connor but less than Ezio:

This time, there were 2 people who did not vote anonymously as witness by the above chart…I am sure that the average age of our demographic is above 14 years old though.

The poll only counts votes that were cast anonymously, however, so those two who didn’t vote anonymously, your vote didn’t count. However, I am going to assume that you voted 13 cm for Altaïr since I saw 0 votes cast for that (a few days ago, I did and it was strange to see it not showing up). So I shall put down 2 votes for 13 cm:
Altaïr’s length, when fully erect
n = 114
μ = 7.66228
M = 7.5
Mode = 8
σ = 1.18339
σ² = 1.40042
SD = 1.17819
s² = 1.38814
The voting for Altaïr seems to be unstable. The mean indicates that Altaïr is 7.7 inches in length, yet the median says he is 7.5 and the mode says that he is 8.
Well jeez everyone, I do not know what to tell you. Usually, the median and mode would be closer to the mean, not the other way around. By the way, the median had to be divided [(7.5+7.5)/2 = 7.5] since we came across an even set of numbers.
Well, I guess if we round Altaïr’s size to the nearest whole number, that would make him 8 inches/20 centimetres in length, pretty much the same size as Connor.
This is a close race, everyone! At first, Connor was deemed the longest thanks to people’s votes. However, he now ties with Altaïr for largest penis size.
Ah, but who shall reign as king? Connor came out as average in regards to penis thickness; let’s see how Altaïr does for the next poll. 😉
– Paola