Dirty Polls

TMI Tuesday: results for Ezio’s penis girth.

May 7, 2013

It is TMI Tuesday again, and you know that that means.

So for last week’s dirty poll results on how thick Ezio’s pene is according to the fandom, you can view them below this ‘read more’ cut:


As you can see from these maps, we had less countries participate this time. A significantly less amount of European countries participated in this round compared to last round.


However, Ezio was still able to get more votes than Connor for both rounds. Connor’s polls ranged in the 70s for the amount of votes he received. For the previous poll on how long you think Ezio’s penis is, he was able to get votes in the 100s. For this round, however, he only received a total of 86 votes. Mexico and Philippines are no longer in the Top 5 as Denmark comes in as the newcomer and Germany reclaims her spot.

Gender is undefined as always, for all votes we receive are always anonymous.

Below are the number of votes that each answer has received:


Uhm…I hope you all weren’t too persuaded by Ezio once again; he really loves to sway votes and make polling so biased.

Anyway, here are the results:

n = 86
μ = 4.86047
M = 5
Mode = 5, 5.5
σ = 0.86993
σ² = 0.75677
SD = 0.86485
 = 0.74797

The standard deviation is a lot smaller this time compared to last time; if we had a larger sample size, then we would’ve had more variations in the answers we’ve received. Regardless, the mean comes in at 4.8607. Rounding that to the nearest whole number, that would make it 5, thus being in line with the median and mode. However, its seems that two numbers appeared as the mode: 5 and 5.5 since both had the most votes yet also had the same number of votes. The median was also split and had to be divided [(5+5)/2 = 5]. Thus, we go by the mean again.

Although since nearly all of them round to the number 5, we now have a collective headcanon on how thick everyone thinks Ezio’s penis is.

He has a penis girth of 5 inches/13 centimetres and a penis length of 7 inches/8 cm. Thus, he is a little smaller than Connor in length, but is equal in girth to him (Connor came in at 8 in/20 cm for penis length and 5 in/13 cm in girth).


I am starting to assume that some of you may be afraid of having too thick of a pene enter you, si? Personally I am more for how fat a penis is than how long it is, as I think that might be more filling than length (who can really fit in something as big as a 25-cm cock)?

Oh well. Let us hope that for Altaïr’s round, he has the thickest of all. ;D

But anyway, what do you all think? Are you satisfied with Ezio’s size? He seems to be in the average range for both length and girth.


– Paola